Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 3rd - National Walking Day

April 3rd is National Walking Day. Are you getting in at least 30 minutes of walking in daily?

The 2008 Physical Activity guidelines recommend getting 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week. If you plan to be active on 5 days a week, that equals 30 minutes of activity on each of those 5 days. Walking is one great way to meet that goal.

If you aren't getting at least 30 minutes of walking in daily, here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Bring your tennis shoes to work. Take a 30 minute walk before you eat lunch or take two 15 minute walk breaks.
  • Go for a 30 minute walk right after work, before you go home. It's harder to get that walk in once you get home.
  • Get up 40 minutes earlier than normal. Enjoy the sunshine as you walk first thing in the morning.
  • Change one of your meetings to a walking meeting. 
  • Have a friend or family member join you for walks. You are both more accountable that way.
  • Buy a new pair of tennis shoes. A new pair of shoes may motivate you to try them out. 
The benefits of walking are numerous. Would you like to improve your cholesterol, improve your blood pressure, improve circulation, counter anxiety and depression, manage stress and tension, prevent bone loss, boost energy, improve strength, improve your self-image, reduce risk for heart disease and stroke, and sleep better??? Walking can help with all of those things!

If you could bottle the benefits of walking into a pill, people would pay good money for those benefits, but you can walk for free!

For more information, check out the American Heart Association's National Walking Day page. 

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