Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spiritual wellness

Spiritual wellness is not just about going to church or practicing religion. Spiritual wellness is a personal matter involving values, beliefs, and a purpose in life. Having compassion, capacity for love and forgiveness, joy, peace, and fulfillment also define spiritual wellness.

The demands of the world, especially during the holiday season, can mean that people forget to take time out of their busy schedules and reconnect with the important things in life. The holidays can also bring about sorrow or loneliness. Here are some things to try to get back on track with your spiritual wellness this season.

1. If you are feeling stressed, pause for a minute and take 5 deep breaths. Clear your mind of those stressors during those deep breaths.

2. Stop for a minute and think about a few things that you are grateful for in your life.

3. Remember and bring forth to the front of your mind your beliefs during the holiday season.

4. Take some time to look at the beauty of the holidays - lights, decorations, or music.

5. Give to someone else. Even if it's not much, the return on giving is invaluable.

6. Think about some things you really enjoy doing this time of year. If possible, do as many of those as you can!

7. Play in the snow. Be silly, build a snowman, or throw snowballs. The simple act of playing and laughing can help with stress.

8. Express appreciation to others. A kind word or note goes a very long way. You may think the person already knows, but they may not.

9. Live in the moment. Try to fully experience joy, fulfillment, and happiness this time of year. Too often, we get caught up in thinking about later or tomorrow. Enjoy yourself at this moment.

10. Remember your joyful memories of the holidays and share these with others.

11. Slow down and listen. Peace and joy can be found when you just listen to the simple things.

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