Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Exercise Motivation

Do you need some extra motivation to stay active this time of year? It can be tough to stay active during the busy winter months, but here are some tips to keep you physically active year-round.

1. Even if the weather is too cold to go for a walk or do activity outdoors, then bring it indoors. Do an exercise DVD, turn on some music and dance, or use a fitness facility during the winter.

2. Schedule your physical activity on your calendar just as you would a doctor's appointment. Write it down with the time so you are more accountable.

3. Find an exercise buddy. You will both keep each other accountable and can enjoy some social time as well.

4. If you can't find the time in your day to be active, make sure you add in activity when you can. Park further away at the grocery store, walk an extra lap or two around the mall or store, and make sure you take the stairs instead of the elevator. You can also pace while talking on the phone, do toe raises while brushing your teeth, or walk and talk at the same time with a co-worker.

5. Try to do some exercise even if you feel tired. Just try for 5 or 10 minutes and if you still feel really tired, then you can stop. Chances are, you will feel more energized and keep going.

6. If you are ill or sick, it may be best to take some time off from exercise. However, physical activity can help prevent illnesses, so stay active to stay well this year.

7. Watch 30 minutes less television a few times a week and use this time for physical activity.

8. Set a goal for yourself to meet in late winter or early spring. Do you want to complete your first 5k (3.1 miles)? There are lots of those to choose from in the spring and you can walk or jog. Do you want to walk 2 miles in 30 minutes, without stopping? Choose a date to meet this goal. How about learning a new physical activity, such as aerobic dance, pilates, or yoga before the spring? Check out the availability in your area.

9. If you are going to make a New Year's Resolution to be more active, why not start it now? Try to make it last more than a few weeks or a month. Physical activity should become a habit in your daily life, not just something you do for a few weeks and then stop.

10. Buy some new athletic shoes, new workout gear, or an Ipod or music player. Something new, even if it's something small, can get your motivation level up. Or, put an amount of money into an envelope every time you exercise and save that money up for something special.

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