Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween candy

 Halloween is a week away, how can you control your own and your children's intake of Halloween candy?

It's not a simple task to manage all the Halloween candy and treats. You can try to make healthy choices available for Halloween, but we are all exposed to so many treats this time of year, it's hard to keep treats to a minimum.

Ellyn Satter Associates has an article called "The Sticky Topic of Halloween Candy." They recommend allowing children to manage sweets, keep sweets in proportion of other foods, and provide structure with treats during meal or snack time. I think the same ideas can be applicable to adults.

Missouri Families has an article about managing Halloween candy. It also has some good suggestions to help with moderate consumption of treats.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension also has five tips to a healthier Halloween.

We all know that denying ourselves or forbidding treats can backfire and make us over-indulge.  We have to learn to listen to our bodies and enjoy treats in small amounts. 

On Halloween, make sure you provide your children with a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Don't let sweets and treats replace their meals.

Keep leftover candy off the counter top or table. Out of sight, out of mind. Keep healthy snacks on the counter or table for easy access. 

Most of all, enjoy the holiday!


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