Thursday, September 6, 2012

Guacamole Day

September 16 is known as guacamole day. Avocados are the main ingredient in this tasty side dish or appetizer. Guacamole can be healthy, depending on how you make it.

California avocados are in season from spring to fall. This is the time of year that you will find the best quality and best prices on avocados.

Avocados are considered a fruit. They are one of the few fruits or vegetables that contain fat. The fat in avocados is unsaturated and is heart-healthy.

Did you know that avocados have more potassium than bananas? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), avocados are loaded with nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, and folate. They're also cholesterol and sodium free. Avocados contain 60 percent more potassium per ounce than bananas. Two tablespoons of mashed avocado or 1/5 (about 1 oz.) of a medium avocado provides about 55 calories.

Avocados are one of the produce items with the least amount of pesticides, so there is no reason or benefit to buying organic avocados.

Mashed avocado can be used instead of mayonnaise on a sandwich or wrap. They can be added to salads too. You can also mix avocado with your choice of whole grains and other vegetables for a tasty whole grain salad. Avocados can be mixed with tomatoes, diced onions, lime or lemon juice, and your choice of seasonings for a refreshing dip.

To choose an avocado, squeeze it gently. If it is ready to eat, it should be firm but give to slight pressure. Hard avocados are not ripe yet, but can ripen in a few days. Place the unripe avocado in a brown paper bag for two to five days. Apples or bananas can be added to the bag to shorten the process because the gas they give off helps ripen the avocados. Ripe avocados can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days.

Always wash avocados before eating. Cut lengthwise and rotate the halves to separate. Use a spoon to remove the seed and scoop out the meat or peel the skin away from the fruit. Lemon juice, lime juice, or white vinegar can help prevent discoloring. You can also press plastic wrap directly on the surface and then wrap to store in the refrigerator for a few days. If the surface turns brown, just cut off the top layer and throw it away, the rest is ok to eat.

Guacamole from a restaurant may or may not be healthy, depending on the ingredients used. When you make it at home, you control the ingredients and know exactly what was used to make it.

Healthy guacamole recipe:
2-3 avocados
1 medium tomato
1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
Salt or garlic salt(optional)
Cilantro (optional)

Wash avocados and tomato. Dice tomato and mix with mashed avocado. Add juice, salt, and cilantro. If storing, press plastic wrap directly on the surface of the guacamole to prevent air from browning. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

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