Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Watermelon is one of the most refreshing summer fruits that grows well in Missouri and comes into season in August. You can find watermelons in some stores year-round, but this time of year is the best time to get watermelon at a reasonable price locally and best quality.

One cup of watermelon (about the size of a baseball) has 20% of the vitamin C you need in a day, 17% of the vitamin A needed daily, and some potassium and magnesium. All of those nutrients and still under 50 calories!

Watermelon is also high in water content, which is why it is a refreshing fruit. It can help add to our fluid intake during the hot summer months.

The reddish pink color of watermelon is due in part to lycopene. Lycopene is also in tomato products and has been studied for its antioxidant and cancer prevention benefits.

When picking a watermelon, choose one that is heavy for its size. It should also be dull in color and uniform in shape. Watermelons should have a creamy patch called the field spot, where the watermelon rested on the ground. A field spot that is deeper yellow was ripened on the vine and will be sweeter than one that is white or green. If it has no spot, it was likely picked before it was ripe.

Watermelon should be stored at room temperature until ripe and then in the refrigerator for up to one week. One watermelon is cut, it needs to be stored in the refrigerator and will last three to four days. Make sure to wash the outside of the watermelon very well before slicing to prevent bacteria from the outside getting into the fruit when you slice it. Do not leave cut watermelon out of the refrigerator for more than two hours and if you are outside and it’s above 90 degrees, make sure it’s not out for more than one hour. It can be unsafe to eat if left out over that amount of time.

Watermelon Smoothie recipe (from University of Illinois Extension, Watch Your Garden Grow)
8 ounce lemon, fat-free yogurt
3 cups cubed, seeded watermelon
1 pint fresh strawberries, cleaned and hulled
1 tablespoon honey or strawberry jam
3 ice cubes

1. In a blender or food processor, combine yogurt, watermelon, strawberries, honey or jam and ice cubes.
2. Process until smooth and frothy. Serve in tall glasses with a straw. Makes 4 servings.

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