Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Want to lose weight?

The time of New Year's resolutions is upon us and it is thought that over half of people want to lose weight for their New Year's resolution. That's great and many do a good job of getting started, but have a tough time maintaining their weight loss efforts. Lack of time, boredom, and cravings cause us to fail on our weight loss goals. Here are some things to remember about losing weight safely:

1. It's easier said than done. Many of us know what we should do, but we don't. It's tough, you have to change habits, and it takes patience and time. Remember that.

2. We give up too soon. Unrealistic goals lead to unrealistic expectations. When the weight doesn't fly off like people think after changing habits, many give up. Once again, it takes patience and time.

3. Physical activity is essential. Can you lose weight without physical activity? Yes, you can. But if you want to keep your lean tissue and keep your metabolism up, you have to be active. And on that same note, you have to be active regularly for the rest of the your life. You can't just exercise for a few months and be done. Find things you enjoy, figure out how to stay motivated, and make it a habit. Add small ways of being active into your daily habits, such as parking further at the grocery store or taking the stairs.

4. You may have to reduce or cut out foods that you enjoy. That includes sugar, desserts, sugary drinks, fast food, or other calorie-laden foods. This is tough and can lead to cravings. Cutting down on portion sizes is really tough. No one ever said it would be easy, and if they did, they aren't honest. 

5. It takes extra time. Meal planning, shopping for healthy choices, preparing healthy meals, and exercise all take time. You may have to get up earlier, skip an hour or two of television each night, or figure out something to fit it in.

6. Find support around you. Friends, family members, and colleagues all have an influence on your healthy habits. Surround yourself with supportive people and mimic their healthy habits, not the unhealthy ones. Find a buddy to check in with if that helps.

7. Realize that everyone is different. Our body shapes are different, our eating styles are different. We all lose weight at different paces. Find out what works best for you and focus on that.

8. Find motivation in the small things. Maybe your pants are fitting a bit looser, your knees feel better, or you can walk a mile without getting winded. Focus on the small victories and those will lead to greater things.

9. Focus your eating around fruits, vegetables, whole grains, water, lean protein, and some dairy. It's hard to find a good selection of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains when you eat out (there are some choices though) so you may have to bring your lunch or eat dinner at home much more often.

10. Get started with a good breakfast. Most people load up on sugar and starchy carbohydrates for breakfast and don't eat enough protein. Try a veggie omelet, plain yogurt or oatmeal with nuts and fruit, or a breakfast smoothie. Not hungry? Eat something small within a few hours of waking up.

11. Don't give up! Stay positive and keep working at your goal. If you get off track, don't beat yourself up, just get back on track as soon as possible.

Good luck with your New Year's resolutions and changing your habits for the better.

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