Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nutrition myths

There are a lot of nutrition myths circulating out through email and various websites. One recent one is that you should only eat fruit on an empty stomach. The claim is that it will rot in your stomach when mixed with other foods and could cause a whole host of health problems. The truth is that fruit is digested the same, whether eaten on an empty stomach or not. Fruit, and any other food, is digested faster without any other food in the stomach, but that is not a harmful thing. Also, fruit doesn't rot in the stomach. The chemical components on the stomach would not allow that to happen.

Here is an article with more information about this myth.

Another current myth is that bananas are the perfect food. While bananas are nutrient-dense and a healthy food, they are not the perfect food. A healthy eating plan includes a variety of different colorful fruits and vegetables.

There are many nutrition myths out there, if you have one that you are curious to know more about, email Melissa and she will address it on the blog.

For more nutrition myths, visit the Mizzou Nutrition Mythbusters website.