Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Prize winners

Congratulations to the prize winners for the spring 2009 wellness competition!

Top finishing team:

Apple Dumplin' Gang from Oregon County: Nichole Harms (captain), Gary Cross, Becky Bassett, and Kathy Loth. Their total average points were 260. The prizes for this team are an Eat This, Not That book, an Eat This, Not That Supermarket Survival Guide, or 2 CalorieKing Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter books.

Top finishing individual:

Cammie Younger, Fab Five from Shannon/Texas County. Her total points were 336 for the 5 weeks with an average of 67.2.She wins a Meals in Minutes cookbook from the American Heart Association.

Great job to the winners!

Results from the 2009 spring wellness competition:

Grape Country Gals from Gasconade County (Donna Clavin-Mistler, Virginia Buschmeyer - captain, and Debbie Raaf) - 221 total average points

Camden Cruisers from Camden County (Diane Kandel - captain, Larry Roberts, Andrea Hawkins, Jackie Rasmussen, and Michele Kroll) - 254 total average points

Fab Five from Shannon/Texas County (Kelly Younger -captain, Cammie Younger, Dana McGuire, Terri Fossett, and Chi Holder) - 202 total average points

Howell County Hoofers from Howell County (Jenny Flatt - captain, Pam Powell, Bill Doig, and Tammy Woodworth) - 218 total average points

Laclede County Fruity Four from Laclede County (Kim Lambeth - captain, Jim Thompson, Doralee Ely, and Becky Morgan) - 163 total average points

Pulaski County (Sarah Traub - captain, Bonnie Drury, Melissa Conrad, Lavina Wilson, and Waita Karcher) - 218 total average points

Christi Crisp from Wright County - 198 total average points

Crawford County (Christa Spindler - captain, Karen Branstetter, Presha Earney, and Susan Smail) - 228 total average points

Don't forget to fill out the feedback survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=VktxnZBcc8iXZMABr5zKBA_3d_3d by July 10, 2009.

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