Here is the information for the fall 2009 regional wellness activity. Faculty - I will be talking for a few minutes at the regional meeting and ITV on Oct 20. NPAs and support staff- please look over the information and let me know if you have any questions.
Basically, there are 5 activities focusing in on social/emotional/mental wellness, one activity per week for 5 weeks. These activities are not complicated, nor should they take you very much time. There are reflection questions with each activity for your personal use.
There are also 5 Adobe Connect (similar to Centra) sessions, one per week for 5 weeks. Those sessions are voluntary, but it may be a good chance for you to bring your lunch to work and eat while listening to the session during the 12 to 12:45 time frame (probably more like 12 to 12:30 but I wanted to allow plenty of time). Your office may also choose to do a potluck lunch as a group and listen to the session that day. This is not a competition, like we have done in the past. If you are even remotely interested in any of the sessions, I need to know one week in advance of the session. For the first session on Monday, Nov 2, I need to know by Tuesday, Oct 27 so that I can send the information to ETCS ahead of time.
I encourage everyone to participate in these activities and start your way to better social, emotional, and mental wellness.
The information was emailed out to everyone, but I will also be posting them each week on this blog. I will also post a short summary after each Adobe Connect session.